Thursday, November 10, 2005

Isn't it nice to be Zachi?

JERUSALEM — Wealthy Israelis are paying up to $100,000 just for a chance to sit near the Clintons during their upcoming visit.

Former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton are the headliner guests at a posh dinner in Tel Aviv Monday to commemorate the opening of the Yitzhak Rabin Center.

A fund-raising letter asking for donations to the center — and offering tickets to the dinner — said seating will be determined "according to the size of the contribution."

"Priority, of course, will be given to the highest contributions," it adds.

The Clintons, possibly with daughter Chelsea, will be visiting Israel this weekend for 10th-anniversary commemorations of the assassination of Rabin, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Israeli prime minister.

They are scheduled to be seated at a 10-person table along with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Jordan's King Abdullah.

The only nondignitary who might make it to their table is Zachi Rachiv, who made millions in the U.S. high-tech field and is bankrolling the $200,000-plus cost of the dinner.


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