Tuesday, February 28, 2006

From Barry Sears....

One can take fish oil in the capsule or liquid form. The fish oil should be molecularly distilled. You can go to www.ifosprogram.com to look at fish oils that have been tested by an outsider (ifos program tests the quality of a number of different fish oils). It doesn't matter what time of day the fish oil is taken. I would advise, based on personal experience that people don't take the fish oil in the evening unless they plan on staying up for a while. One can take the oil right before bed and they should not have difficulty falling asleep, but taking it an hour or more before and they will probably notice a difference. As for what to take the fish oil with... I recommend an antioxidant because the fish oil can become oxidized. Mixing liquid fish oil with a good quality olive oil will give it a smoother taste for instance and will provide antioxidants.


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