Thursday, May 31, 2007

147 Tiny Tips to Live Healthier, Happier, Greener and Better

I don't want to paste ALL of them, but here are the ones relative to Goals and Beliefs:

Keep Visual Reminders — Goals, whether saving for a vacation or losing weight, can sometimes seem far off, and you might forget the reason you’re going without to reach that goal. Keep visual reminders around the house to help you remember what it is you’re working towards. When you get the impulse to order those new shoes take a peek at that sunny beach and remember what you’re saving for.
Never Stop Learning — Whether you’re seeking to advance in your career or to simply explore your interests, learning new things can be a wonderful way to keep life interesting. Learning something new doesn’t always that you need to take a formal class. It can be as simple as picking up a newspaper and reading all the stories, not just the ones that interest you. Learning new things can open you up to new possibilities and ideas you hadn’t previously considered, and this practice could expand your outlook on life.
Volunteer — Studies have shown that we live longer and happier lives if we spend time helping others instead of just thinking about ourselves. Take an opportunity to help out in your community. You can volunteer for an after school program or to help clean up a local park. Giving to your community and others around you can help you to make new friends and feel needed and valued.
Stop Worrying — Many people find it difficult to stop worrying, and worrying too much can start to take a toll on activities such as work or time with family and friends - not to mention give you wrinkles. Much of worrying is about problems that aren’t immediately solvable. Take a step back and stop worrying about them for a while - you might find a solution where you least expect it.
Do a Good Deed — Do something nice for someone around you- helping your neighbor carry in groceries or a few simple words of unexpected praise. Doing good for others can help you to feel good about yourself, and makes the people around you happier as well.
Analyze Your Commitments — It’s easy to fall into patterns of doing things simply because they are habit, but that no longer make sense with your present goals and desires. Analyze your weekly schedule and see if there are any things that you simply aren’t getting any joy from anymore or that don’t suit your goals for the future. Cut back or quit doing these activities to leave you more time for things you really want and need to do.
Accept Your Weaknesses — Nobody is perfect. As soon as you learn to accept that there are some things that you just can’t do, you’ll be happier with yourself and better able to focus on all the wonderful things that you can do.
Take the First Step — Making changes in your life can be a scary prospect, even if they are ones you are looking forward to. You’ll never get where you want to be by standing still, so push yourself to take that first step in the direction you want to go.
Be Grateful — So you don’t live in a mansion and drive a fancy sports car. It’s easy to get caught up in lamenting the things that you don’t have. Take a moment to reflect on all the things you do have. You might find that you are richer than you thought. Focus on these things that you can be grateful for each day.
Don’t Take Things Personally — Criticisms aren’t always meant as an attack on you as a person. Learn to take criticism as a learning experience and use it to become better at whatever you are doing. If someone is truly being unkind, just remember that their words probably have more to do with what’s wrong with them, than what is wrong with you.
Always Do Your Best — Putting your best foot forward in everything you do will help you make the most of your time and effort. For example, if you want to lose weight you need to get up off that couch first. Or, if you want to make more money, learn first how to ask for that raise.
Focus on the Good — Bad things happen to everyone at some point in their lives but that doesn’t mean that you have to dwell on them. You will be happier and healthier if you try to concentrate on the things in your life that are positive.
Put Your Money Where Your Goals Are — Sometimes the motivation to start working towards a goal can be as simple as investing money in that goal. Take the initiative to sign up for that language class or join that gym. Once you’ve made the initial investment you won’t want to waste your money and will give yourself the motivation to start working towards your goal.
Find Beauty in the Everyday — Often schedules are so packed and life is so hurried that there is little time to slow down and appreciate the world. Take a moment to reflect on the simple pleasures in your life which you might have otherwise taken for granted.
Mean What You Say — While it may be tempting to say things you don’t mean to placate others or because you are angry try to make everything you say as true as possible. When you are honest and say what you mean, your words will have more value, and others feel that you are worth of their trust.
Don’t Make Assumptions — Our intuitions and first impressions can be a valuable tool but they’re not without flaw. Many people have gotten themselves into pretty embarrassing situations by making assumptions. Take the time to ask questions and delve deeper before you make a judgment.
Find a Cause — Having something that you are truly passionate about can be a great way motivator. Find something that excites or engages you and let it inspire your goals and your life.
Keep Your Perspective — It’s hard to keep perspective when life hits you with an obstacle that seems insurmountable. In reality, few things in life are truly insurmountable. Give yourself time to deal with your problems, but also make sure you look at the bigger picture.
Set Deadlines for Yourself — So you’ve come up with a great plan for your future, but how does it practically fit into your life? Set deadlines for yourself to accomplish certain goals by so that you can keep yourself on track.
Monitor Your Progress — Planning for things far in the future can sometimes be discouraging if you still have a long way to go. So concentrate on how much you’ve accomplished already instead of how much you still have left to go.
Keep Balance in Your Life — Don’t let any one aspect of your life take over. Try to strike a balance between work, home and personal interests.
Keep a Journal — Keep a journal of your accomplishments and even about your troubles. A particularly good ordinary day can be something worth writing about. When you’re feeling bad about life you can look back on these good days as a reminder that things aren’t always horrid.
Take Your Time — Don’t rush into anything that could make your life more difficult down the road. Take your time to make important decisions and don’t let others rush you into situations you’re not comfortable with.

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