Thursday, July 12, 2007


July 12, 2007 -- WHO says video games will make you fat? Nintendo's hoping to change the image of gamers as pasty, Cheetos-eating basement dwellers with "Wii Fit," a device for a wired workout.
Early next year, the company plans to release a "Balance Board" that connects to its popular Wii video-game console. When stepped on, the pressure-sensitive board will measure your weight and body mass index, or BMI, then tailor your virtual character - called a "Mii" - to look as thin or fat as you are.
Nintendo plans to incorporate the board into a variety of games, including yoga, step aerobics, dancing and soccer. In the future, it could be used for skateboarding, snowboarding and other sports where the flexible board can be used as a virtual stand-in. No price has been set yet.

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