Thursday, September 27, 2007

Awesome!! Record TV Shows onto your iPod!!!

So those ubiquitous new iPod nano commercials with the ridiculously catchy Feist soundtrack almost have you convinced that you really do need video in your pocket?
But you also think that $1.99 for TV-show episodes you're only going to watch once is kind of a ripoff?
The smartly designed iRecord, from a company called Streaming Networks, lets you load up your iPod—or iPhone or Sony PSP—with video content, for free, directly from your TiVo, cable box, DVD player, or even a VCR.
In other words, no computer or external software is necessary. It comes with the required cables, and it's got only two buttons: for on/off and record. Ingenious—and insanely simple to use.

$199.99 at J&R.

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