Monday, September 17, 2007

Listen to Your Face!

Physiognomy, an ancient tradition, studies each feature of the face for insight into our digestive history. Just like pressure points in acupuncture correlate to different organs in our body, so do the areas of the face.

The forehead: Deep horizontal lines can be a result of excess sugar and fat. Vertical lines between the eyes mean too much animal foods or salt (the liver and pancreas are working too hard).
The mouth: Dry, cracked corners? You might be constipated. Constantly moist lips? You may have the runs. Cold sores? Too much fat in the diet.
The bottom line: Nutritionist Julie Lerner suggests drawing the line at sugary, salty, fatty foods. Add more leafy greens (like bok choy, arugula, kale and collard greens) and whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice.

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