Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is that meal eco-friendly? Start texting!!

Blue Ocean Institute, a conservation group, has launched a texting service to send messages to consumers with the information they need to make ecologically savvy seafood choices.Here's how it works: You are at the seafood counter or in a restaurant (put that ringer on mute or vibrate, please) and you are awash in social consciousness.
You are ready to order, but you can't remember if the catch of the day is caught using an environmentally sustainable manner. What to do, what to do?
Technology to the rescue.
Send a text message to Blue Ocean Institute to get the 411 in seconds.
To use the service, send a message to 30644. In the message, type FISH, followed by the name of the seafood in question, such as catfish. The service covers more than 90 species, and suggests alternatives to options that pose environmental concerns.


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