Monday, October 22, 2007

Sugar = Wrinkles

Who doesn't love sugar? I know I crave that sweetness (especially during certain times of the month), but experts now believe that eating too much sugar can make your skin look dull and wrinkled.
How? When you eat the sweet stuff, sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules in a process called glycation. These new molecules are called advanced glycation end products or, appropriately, AGEs for short – am I the only one that finds that acronym highly ironic? The more soda, candy, and deep-fried twinkies you eat, the more AGEs you develop.
Dermatologist Fredric Brandt says, "As AGEs accumulate, they damage adjacent proteins in a domino-like fashion." Collagen and elastin are the protein fibers in your skin that make it firm, springy and elastic. Once they're damaged, they become dry and brittle, which leads to wrinkles and the ever-so-wonderful sagging.
Another thing about AGES is that they deactivate your skin's ability to produce antioxidant enzymes, which leaves your skin more vulnerable to sun damage (another cause of wrinkles).
It's never too late to work on reversing the effects.

To find out how read more

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