Thursday, November 15, 2007

Broccoli - Good for You and Your Skin!

Rubbing an extract made from broccoli sprouts on your skin may help you to prevent skin cancer, according to Johns Hopkins researchers.
Broccoli, and the sprouts in particular, contain a chemical called sulphoraphane, which activates cancer-fighting enzymes inside your cells. The researchers spread broccoli sprout extract on the skin of six people, then exposed them to high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The areas of skin covered by the extract had 37 percent less redness and sunburn than skin not covered -- both indications of skin damage that could lead to cancer.Sunscreen, meanwhile, did not offer any protection against the UV rays, the researchers said.
Whereas sunscreen works by deflecting UV rays, and therefore must be reapplied often to work, broccoli sprout extract works by penetrating skin cells and stimulating their natural cancer-fighting mechanism. Since sulphoraphane extract from broccoli sprouts appears to fight cancer in your skin, the researchers believe it may be effective against cancer in other organs as well.

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