Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Kundalini Yoga

All yoga seeks to awaken Kundalini energy. It’s creativity, soul energy, universal energy and we use it to elevate our consciousness. The practice en-kindles the process of living life to the fullest and maximizing our potential as human beings.
Kundalini was first introduced into the western world in 1969 by Yoga master Yogi Bhajan ph.D. kundalini yoga is an ancient and powerful form of yoga, considered to be the mother of all other forms of yoga. An ancient yoga form - very appropriate for the times in which we are living in- ideal for the active person who needs to lower their stress level, achieve inner peace and calm and improve their health and well-being.
Kundalini Yoga is referred to as the yoga of the consciousness because it works to integrate the glandular system and the nervous system. The benefit is then a balance between the physical, emotional, spiritual aspects of the self. The breath, combined with posture and with mantra (mantra = mind -vibration, a sacred primordial current of sound) focuses the mind and can help to eliminate harmful negative thought patterns, a word or combination of words. It is the scientific use of sound to affect the consciousness.


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