Tuesday, January 08, 2008

How to Detoxify Your Body

There are numerous methods that can be used to help detoxify your body, varying in cost, time and efficacy.
The treatments below can be incorporated into your daily life. They all work to support your body's natural detoxification systems, namely your digestive system, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin.
- Stimulate blood flow through your organs of elimination. Constitutional hydrotherapy treatments increase blood flow through your liver and kidneys, enhancing their filtering effects.
- Increase toxin elimination through the skin. Use a sauna regularly to increase how much, how often, and how deeply you sweat.
- Give your lungs some extra support. By practicing deep breathing exercises you can greatly enhance this vital detoxification mechanism.
- Stimulate lymphatic flow. Dry skin brushing and exercise are two of the only ways to increase the flow of the lymphatic system, your body's garbage collector.
- Maintain optimal levels of beneficial intestinal flora. The best ways to accomplish this are by incorporating fermented foods, such as natto or natural kefir into your diet.

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