Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fruit of the Week....

Day 38/366.....Sun-Kissed, originally uploaded by ldcross.

Did you know that although oranges are renowned for their vitamin C, they are also important as a source of dietary fiber?

One medium-sized orange contains 13% of your daily recommended intake for fiber. While we usually consider most of the fiber to be in the fleshy pulp of the orange, research is finding that pectin and other forms of fiber found in the white layer immediately beneath the skin of the orange can help curb appetite and suppress hunger for up to four hours! And contrary to common belief, the white pulpy portion of oranges is not bitter. Whole oranges are also a healthy snack for people with diabetes because the fiber helps keep blood sugar levels under control. By selecting a whole fresh orange over a glass of orange juice, you will benefit from about the same amount of vitamin C, but you will also be gaining the 4 grams of dietary fiber that is lost through the juicing process!


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