Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Grapeseed Oil - Better than Olive Oil?

Made from the seeds of grapes left over from the wine-making process, one tablespoon contains only one gram of saturated fat to olive oil's two grams. It is also high in polyunsaturated fats, which have been found to lower the bad cholesterol. The brag sheet doesn't stop there. Grapeseed oil has been found to raise HDL cholesterol (that's the good kind), which is rare for polyunsaturated fats. Grapeseed oil is very high in vitamin E and other antioxidants, similar to ones found in grapes and wine. Not only that, it is high in linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acids).

Cookingwise, grapeseed oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil making it ideal for sautés; smoke point is where an oil burn starts to breakdown. It's also a very mild nutty taste so the flavor of the food you are cooking really shines. Grapeseed oil also has great emulsifiying properties (keeping everything mixed together) making it an excellent oil for salad dressings.

It can be difficult to find expeller-pressed (meaning harsh solvents and chemicals are not used to extract the oil from the seed) grapeseed oil.


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