Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Kimchi....What Is It?

Kimchi 김치, originally uploaded by Nagyman.

A traditional Korean fermented dish made of some select vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the spicy baechu (cabbage) variety.

Kimchi is made of various vegetables and contains a high concentration of dietary fiber, while being low in calories. It also provides up to 80% of the daily required amount of ascorbic acid and carotene. Most types of kimchi contain common ingredients like onions, garlic and peppers all of which have well-known health benefits. The vegetables being made into kimchi also contribute to the overall nutritional value. Kimchi is rich in vitamin A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium and iron, and contains a number of lactic acid bacteria.

Kimchi has a reputation of being a healthy food. The Health Magazine named kimchi in its list of top five "World's Healthiest Foods" for being rich in vitamins, aiding digestion, and even possibly retarding cancer growth.


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