Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Four Foods You Should Be Eating to Stay Slim

2. Nuts Although they are high in calories, research suggests that nuts help keep people thin. In one study with more than 8,000 participants, at the University of Navarra in Spain, people who rarely or never ate nuts gained slightly more over two years than those who munched on them at least twice a week (the results were adjusted for risk factors for obesity). Another study, at Loma Linda University in California, found that overweight women lost weight over six months when they were given almonds to eat and otherwise ate as they chose. Nuts contain mostly unsaturated fat, especially monounsaturated fats, which raise "good" cholesterol. They tend to be filling and may push the body to burn more fat, says Dr. Leo Galland, author of "The Fat Resistance Diet" (Broadway, 2005).
3. Fruits and Vegetables Women who consume five or more fruit and vegetable servings daily are more likely to maintain weight loss than those who eat fewer servings, according to the Centers of Disease Control. (How much is a serving? It's about a half cup of cut-up fruit, berries, or nonleafy vegetables, one full cup of leafy veggies or one medium-size whole fruit.)
4. Berries As you enjoy your daily servings of fruit, don't forget berries. Research at Doshisha University in Japan suggests that anthocyanins, the flavonoids that give berries (and other plant foods) a red, blue or purple color, alter the activity of genes found in human fat cells. In a separate study in which mice were fed anthocyanins, researchers found they didn't gain weight, even when they were given an otherwise high-fat diet that would typically plump them up.
Disclaimer: I believe in eating these foods because they're healthy, not to make you skinny as per Newsweek.Labels: anthocyanins, berries, eating healthy, flavonoids, nutrition, Nuts, protein, weight loss
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