Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Reduce Inflammation....Naturally.....

Inflammation is linked to bad digestion, arthritis, heart disease and other ailments. Luckily, a naturally anti-inflammatory diet can help, says Ashley Koff, RD, author of Recipes for IBS.

Here are her tips for getting started:

Spice it up! Nature gives us potent anti-inflammatory weapons in the form of turmeric (curcumin) and ginger. Experiment with other spices for flavor and anti-bacterial properties.

Get protein from vegetable sources and grass-fed animals. Think quinoa, millet, pumpkin seeds, hemp, flax, walnuts, lentils and beans. When eating animals, choose lean sources like grass-fed chicken, eggs, buffalo, and wild fish like sardines and salmon (avoid fish high in mercury).

Consume natural sugar. Skip sweeteners and products with high fructose corn syrup and instead enjoy the natural sweetness and healing nutrients of fruits.

Eat foods instead of food products. Avoid preservatives, hormones, chemicals and partially hydrogenated oils in favor of healthy fats like those in avocado, walnuts, hemp and chia.


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