Monday, September 15, 2008
All About Cabbage

Comparing green and red cabbage: While both are comparable in folate, fiber and vitamin A, red cabbage has twice the amount of vitamin C while green cabbage has ten times more calcium and three times more beta-carotene.
Did you know that cabbage is great for losing weight? One cup of cooked cabbage contains only 33 calories while supplying you with a wealth of health-promoting nutrients. Like its other cruciferous cousins, broccoli, kale and mustard greens, cabbage is not only an excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fiber, but also contains many unique sulfur-containing phytonutrients, such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and sulforaphane. I3C and sulforaphane help activate and stabilize the body's antioxidant and detoxification mechanisms. Other sulfur compounds, which are produced as a result of cutting, chewing or digesting cabbage, increase the liver's ability to produce enzymes that neutralize potentially toxic substances.
Labels: cabbage, cancer, cruciferous vegetables, detox, eating healthy, Green veggies
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