Friday, September 26, 2008
All About Tempeh!

Tempeh has a firm texture and a delicious nutty, mushroomy flavor.
Tempeh is very nutritous and contains many health promoting phytochemicals such as isoflavones and soy saponins. Tempeh fermentation produces natural antibiotic agents but leaves the desirable soy isoflavones and most of the saponins intact. Tempeh is a complete protein food that contains all the essential amino acids. The soy protein and isoflavones have many health benefits. Isoflavones strengthen bones, help to ease menopause symptoms, reduce risk of coronary hearth disease and some cancers. Tempeh maintains all the fiber of the beans and gains some digestive benefits from the enzymes created during the fermentation process.
Labels: eating healthy, health food, phytonutrients, protein, soy isoflavones, tempeh
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