Monday, December 15, 2008
Roast Nuts - The Healthy Way

Roasting brings out the flavor of the nuts, and develops their sweetness. It is safe to roast nuts if done at a low temperature-typically a 160-170 degree Fahrenheit oven (at higher temperatures than this, research clearly shows damage to nuts' delicate fats) for 15-20 minutes will do the trick. Place nuts on a cookie sheet in a single layer. To enhance the "roasted" flavor, try putting a little Bragg's Liquid Aminos or soy sauce into a spray bottle and misting the nuts before roasting.
Avoid Commercially Roasted Nuts
Roasting nuts at a temperature higher than 170F will cause a breakdown of their fats and the production of free radicals. When nuts roasted at the high temperatures used commercially are consumed, the free radicals they contain can cause lipid peroxidation-the oxidizing of fats in your bloodstream that can trigger tiny injuries in artery walls-a first step in the build up of plaque and cardiovascular disease.
SourceLabels: Bragg's Liquid Aminos, DIY, free radicals, Nuts, roasted nuts
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