Friday, February 20, 2009
Indian Beauty Secrets

- Enlarged pores are caused mainly by the over-stretching of pores that then fill with excess oil. The problems can be resolved by temporarily by closing the pores with astringents, so that the skin looks toned. Buttermilk or watered-down yogurt, a popular drink all over India known as chaas or lassi, works wonders, closing the pores to create the illusion of finely textured, perfect skin. Use it as a daily face wash and splash with cold water afterwards.
- Moisturizing forms an even more important part of your beauty routine during the winter months. Always remember to treat your neck to all the goodies you use on your face - otherwise you will end up with a lovely face on a crepey neck.
Night cream
The cocoa in this moisturizer will not stain the face. Instead the alkaloids it contains - mainly theobromine and caffeine - act as stimulants and rejuvenate the skin. Lanolin is available from health and specialist beauty shops.
2 tbsp almond oil
2 tbsp lanolin
1 tsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp rosewater
Put the almond oil, lanolin and cocoa in a heatproof glass bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of water and heat gently over a low heat till the mixture melts into a smooth cream. Use only a wooden spoon to stir as a metal one will react with the ingredients. Take off the heat and add the rosewater, stirring all the while. Allow the cream to cool and store in a glass bottle.
5 fresh mint leaves
1 tsp almond oil
1/2 tsp honey
Crush the mint with a little water in a mortar. Strain the juice and add to the almond oil and honey. Stir till completely mixed and apply a tiny amount under the eyes before going to bed.
- This body polisher is used by women all over India. The turmeric acts as a natural cleanser and disinfectant and will not turn your skin yellow. The chickpea flour sloughs off dead skin to give unimagined silkiness and the milk will firm up the entire body.
1 tablespoon chickpea flour
Pinch of turmeric
About 2 tsp of milk
Mix all the ingredients together and rub on to wet skin instead of soap.
- The most luxurious beauty treatment for the face is the application of a face mask. It deep-cleans, tones and moisturizes all at once, smells delicious and makes you feel relaxed and pampered. Face masks are simple to make and can easily save you money spent on commercial products.
For oily skin - Sandalwood is a natural astringent. Tumeric is antiseptic, and keeps spots in check, while the fruit acid in orange juice clears blemishes. Turmeric may stain the skin slightly, but this is temporary and will clear after a few washes. If you have a sensitive skin and are worried about staining, substitute the turmeric with geranium leaf juice (crush one leaf with a little water, strain and use 1/2 tsp of the liquid), reducing the quantity of orange juice by the same amount.
1 1/2 tbsp sandalwood powder
Tiny pinch (few grains) of ground turmeric
3 tbsp orange juice
Mix all the ingredients together and apply over the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Allow to dry, then rinse off with cool water, without pulling the skin.
For dry skin - This mask conditions dry skin and leaves it supple and radiant.
1 egg white
1 tsp honey
1 tsp full-fat cream
Mix together all the ingredients and pat on to the face and neck. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
For normal skin - The protein in milk powder leaves skin petal-soft and the rosewater tones and refreshes.
2 tbsp milk powder
Rosewater to mix
Combine the ingredients into a thick paste and apply to the face and neck.
- Hair conditioners put the life back into dull hair and are simple to make at home. All kinds of wonderful herbs grow in India and can be grind up into conditioning hair masks.
Handful each hibiscus, marigold, balsam, basil and mint leaves
Handful of rose petals
Grind all of these (or as many as you can find) in a blender with a little water til you get an emerald-green, coarse, sticky mixture. Apply this directly to the scalp and hair and leave on for at least an hour. Wash off thoroughly. Your hair is sure to gleam like gold.
- Oiling the hair has been a highly regarded ritual in India for at least five thousand years. Even today wise old women are convinced that regular oiling maintains the natural color of the hair and prevents greying. Oil cools the head and promotes luxurious hair growth, whereas internal body heat does the opposite.
The eucalyptus and clove oils in this preparation boost blood circulation that nourishes the root of the hair and prevents hair loss.
5 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp eucalyptus oil
1 tsp clove oil
Mix the three oils together and gently rub into the scalp at night.
- A nourishing hair pack that clears up dandruff can be made of four tablespoons rosemary infusion, an egg yolk and a pinch of borax: simple massage into the scalp before shampooing. Occasional bouts of scurfiness can be cleared up with a relaxing massage with warm olive oil.
Excerpted from India’s Beauty Secrets by Monisha Bharadwaj, Kyle Cathie
Labels: ayurveda, beauty, beauty secrets, healing with food, healthy hair, India, natural health, skin care
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