Thursday, February 26, 2009

To Fluoride or Not To Fluoride

The decision whether to add controversial chemical fluoride to water supplies will be made by health chiefs today. Southampton Primary Care Trust says it is the only way to reduce tooth decay in children across the city.

But campaigners fear fluoride has health risks. And they say adding it to tap water amounts to mass medication. And independent experts at York University have concluded there is only limited evidence that adding fluoride to water reduces decay.

And it warns any benefit comes at the cost of increasing the number of children developing mottled teeth from consuming too much fluoride.

The uncertain scientific evidence has led to an angry debate between those for and against fluoride.

"What is this toxin going to do in the body for the next 40 years? It's cumulative. It sits in the tissue and grows.

"Nobody knows what it can do. So I say err on the side of caution and don't put it in the water."

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