Friday, March 13, 2009
Better Your Posture With a Gadget?

Since none of us can afford to have a Pilates instructor poke our spines into place 24/7, two physicians collaborated on the iPosture ($65). It is a small device that you clip to your bra, wear on a necklace, or stick on your upper chest with adhesive that vibrates when you slouch.
Surprisingly effective, the little electronic device, a bit over inch in diameter and practically weightless, contains a nanosensor. You set iPosture once you are in your desired posture, and when you deviate three degrees from that posture, the device vibrates, reminding you to correct.
As you can see, it's quite small. The iPosture is so unobtrusive, you don't feel it until you slump and the gizmo vibrates. The vibration is completely quiet, so nobody can hear it.
If you suffer from back, neck, wrist, or shoulder pain, iPosture can help by teaching you to stand and sit correctly. You can buy the device here. $65 seems like a lot for such a simple device, but not when you consider that the going rate in SF for a 55-minute session with an experienced rehab specialist Pilates instructor is $75 to $85.
Thanks Fitsugar!
Labels: cool new product, innovative, iPosture, Pilates, posture
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