Monday, March 30, 2009
Yoga Pose of the Week --> (Inverted) LOCUST

- Begin lying on your belly. Roll over to one of your shoulders so you can bring both arms underneath you. There are two hand positions you can try, so see which one feels the most comfortable. Either interlace your fingers, clasp your palms together, and straighten your arms. Or keep your hands apart with either your palms facing up or pressed into the mat. Then roll your body so it's resting on your extended arms. Make sure your chin is on the mat as well.
- As you inhale, press into your arms with all your strength and lift both legs up as high as you can. If your upper body is strong and your back is flexible, lift your hips off the floor, so your spine is as upright as possible. Press your feet and thighs together.
- Stay like this for five deep breaths. Then slowly lower your body back to the floor. Release your lower back by coming into Child's Pose.
Labels: Inverted Locust, locust pose, salabhasana, yoga, yoga pose
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