Virtually all nationally marketed, non-organic deli meats contain
sodium nitrite (or sometimes
potassium nitrite) as a preservative. Occasionally, a non-organic manufacturer will introduce an "all-natural" version of its
deli meat that does not contain any nitrites, but the only way to be sure about this is to check the ingredient list on the back of the package. Since preservation with sodium nitrite is not allowed in
certified organic deli meats, these
organic versions are a great way to steer clear of this preservative. Cooked whole turkey products and
cured turkey products often do contain sodium nitrite, but there are
nitrite-free products in the marketplace. Once again, your best bet is to look through the ingredient list and check for sodium nitrite or potassium nitrite among the ingredients. Nitrite-free products will sometimes advertise their
nitrite-free status on the label.
SourceLabels: cold cuts, deli meats, meat, organic food, preservatives, sodium nitrite, turkey
# posted by Striving4Zen : 4/28/2009

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