Monday, April 06, 2009
Is White Tea Better for You Than Green Tea?

Both white and green tea contain a phytonutrient that has been high up on the radar screen in health research. This phytonutrient is a polyphenol called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is the primary polyphenol in both white and green tea, and it's a key reason why researchers have been interested in the properties of white tea with respect to prevention of cancer development (tumorigenesis). At this point we only have preliminary animal studies and in vivo laboratory studies in this area. These studies not only fail to look at everyday intake of white tea as part of a daily diet but also often involve specialized extracts made from white tea.
White tea is not necessarily "better" or "worse" for you than green tea. Both teas have health benefits as they are different in their composition.
As always, quality is important when you are purchasing white or green tea, consider organic teas as they are produced by companies that have a reputation for high standards.
Labels: cancer, EGCG, green tea, healthy diet, polyphenols, tea, white tea
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