Monday, April 06, 2009
Spring Into DeTox!
Spring is often the time of year that people ask about cleansing. The World's Healthiest Foods have detoxifying and cleansing properties because they are nutrient-rich foods, which are able to cleanse and regenerate all at the same time. They also do not contain synthetic additives, and if organically grown, will not have pesticide residues. Here are some of the ways that World's Healthiest Foods can assist with cleansing and detoxification:
- Lemon juice detoxifies and cleanses the digestive tract and balances pH
- Cilantro can detoxify and reduce mercury levels
- Prunes help cleanse and detoxify the digestive system and help prevent constipation
- Whole grains, high in fiber, help cleanse the digestive tract
- Fibers such as beta-glucan, found in oats and barley, help eliminate excess cholesterol
- Turmeric helps cleanse the liver
- Allium vegetables like onions and garlic contain sulfur compounds critical for the detoxification of many potential toxins
- Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower are sulfur-rich foods, which are important for cleansing the liver
Labels: beta-glucan, cilantro, cleanse, cruciferous vegetables, detox, detoxification, eating healthy, prunes, Spring, turmeric, Whole grains
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