Friday, May 15, 2009
The Best Times For Different Exercises

Check it out:
Best for: Yoga. Your ability to perform is lowest in the morning; better to keep your exercise less intense in the a.m. hours.
Going long: When your core temperature gets high, fatigue sets in. Your inner thermometer is lowest now, so you will take longer to overheat.
Best for: Smashing the competition.
Time for the smackdown: Some moves requiring accuracy, like your tennis serve, are most precise around 2 p.m., when it's easiest to get energized and your focus is sharpest.
Best for: Getting strong. Your core body temp is highest in the early evening, so your muscles will warm up more easily and you can work harder.
Scoring: For the same reason, this is also when you have the most power to make explosive movements, such as those used in soccer or volleyball.
Labels: exercise, Holistic Health, muscles, tennis, working out, yoga
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