Friday, May 15, 2009
Skip the Gatorade, Eat Your Kashi

Enter a team of sadistic University of Texas researchers. In their just-released study on "recovery" foods, these crazy fools made their test subjects work out for two hours, and then they promptly biopsied each of their subjects' vastus lateralis and fed them either a fancy power drink or old fashioned cereal with milk, yogurt and fruit. After two hours, they took another biopsy to determine how the old muscles were healing.
The results: Give it up for old fashioned cereal and milk. Turns out what your muscles want is a combination of protein and carbs, and cereal and milk, even chocolate milk, do a good job of delivering these. In the end, the Texans say that the down home recovery food are your most cost effective "whole food option."
Labels: cereal, exercise, Gatorade
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