Cantaloupe and
honeydew share similar nutritional profiles, except for two main differences-
vitamin C and beta-carotene.
Cantaloupe contains about twice the amount of vitamin C as does honeydew (37 mg per 100g serving vs 18 mg for that same amount) and about
67 times the amount of
beta-carotene (2,020 micrograms for 100g serving vs 30 micrograms). This difference in
beta-carotene is significant-if we were looking for a source of this important nutrient, we would look to cantaloupe but not to honeydew as the amount it contains is minimal.
Even though cantaloupe contains more vitamin C and beta-carotene, honeydew and cantaloupe are far more similar than different. Both contain approximately the same amount of calories per bite as well as similar amounts of fiber and phenol phytonutrients and similar trace amounts of B vitamins and minerals.
Labels: beta-carotene, cantaloupe, eating healthy, fruits, honeydew, melons, Vitamin C
# posted by Striving4Zen : 6/12/2009

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