Sunday, June 07, 2009
If There Were Ever A SuperFood -> Leafy Greens Would Rule the Roost
Though they pack a nutritional punch, leafy greens are extremely low in calories. 100 grams of spinach contains only 23 calories, but it also contains 188% of a person’s daily value of vitamin A and 604% of a person’s vitamin K. In general, leafy greens have numerous vitamins, including many B vitamins and vitamins C, E, and K. They are extremely rich sources of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium, and they also provide many phytonutrients, including beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Many greens even contain small amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Greens are also packed with fiber. Fiber comes in two types, water-soluble and insoluble. Water-soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and insoluble fiber promotes regularity, so fiber slows digestion and has little impact on blood glucose levels.
Other specific health benefits attributed to greens include:
Green | Purported Benefit |
Cilantro | This pungent and spicy herb is also great for your eyes because of it’s lutein and zeaxanthin, which may prevent cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. |
Collard Greens | A cross between cabbage and kale, collard greens are considered an anti-cancer food because of its cruciferous properties. |
Kale | Three times as much calcium as phosphorus makes kale a great osteoporosis inhibitor. In addition to kale’s calcium, it is also one of the richest plant sources for vitamin K. Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin important to blood clotting; it also builds bones, slows bone loss, and heals fractures, all important to osteoporosis sufferers. In fact, one study showed people who had high vitamin K diets were less likely to suffer hip breaks than people eating low vitamin K diets. |
Lettuces | There are a variety of lettuces you can enjoy. Besides supporting eye healthy, they enhance skin health and improve immune function. |
Parsley | Parsley has many of the same health benefits as cilantro and kale. In addition, apigenin, which is an antioxidant flavonoid found in parsley, protects the prostate and may also reduce breast, colon, skin, and thyroid cancers. |
Spinach | Nutrition Data notes spinach is a strong anti-inflammatory and rich iron source. However, it also contains oxalates, which may bind with the calcium and make the calcium unusable. To learn more, read Oxalates. |
Swiss Chard | Similar to collard greens, swiss chard is a powerful anti-cancer food. |
The good news about leafy greens is they are versatile and offer many healthful nutrients. Leafy greens are also a major source of chlorophyll and have become increasingly popular in things such as smoothies. They may be your best bet to preserve bone health because they have an excellent calcium and magnesium ratio.
Labels: chlorophyll, cruciferous vegetables, eating healthy, green leafy vegetables, healthy diet, Kale, lutein, spinach, strong bones, swiss chard; greens
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