Monday, July 27, 2009
Did You Know ---> Green Beans

Although calcium and vitamin D are often the nutrients highlighted in discussions on bone and prevention of bone-related disease, current research is increasingly revealing the importance of vitamin K. Although much of the research has focused on the K2 form of the vitamin, the K1 form found in greens beans has also been associated with better bone mineral density and decreased risk of bone-related diseases.
So, green beans can now join in with a variety of vegetables (including kale, spinach, collard greens and mustard greens) which are excellent sources of vitamin K1 and provide welcomed support for our bones. But the benefits of green beans do not stop here. They're also a rich source of other vitamins and minerals, many of which can act as powerful antioxidants that help combat the free radical activity associated with increased risk of both cancer and heart disease.
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Labels: bones, eating healthy, green beans, green leafy vegetables, Green veggies, healthy diet, Kale, spinach, strong bones, Vitamin K
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