Monday, July 20, 2009

Great Snack --> Olives

Olives cannot be eaten right off of the tree; they require special processing to reduce their intrinsic bitterness. These processing methods vary with the olive variety, region where they are cultivated and the desired taste, texture and color.
Some olives are picked green and unripe, while others are allowed to fully ripen on the tree to a black color. Yet, not all of the black olives available begin with a black color. Some processing methods expose unripe greens olives to the air, and the subsequent oxidation turns them a dark color. In addition to the original color of the olive, the color is affected by fermentation and/or curing in oil, water, brine or salt.

Olives are very nutrient-rich, containing heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, and antioxidant phytonutrients, including polyphenols. With all of that goodness, it's no wonder that olives play a central role in the Mediterranean Diet, which has been found to promote vitality and offer protection against a host of different diseases.


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