Friday, February 05, 2010

Breathing Lessons 101‏


(1) Take your index finger and put it underneath
your nose like this:

(2) Exhale through your nose quickly a few times.

(3) Notice which nostril is MORE open (more air comes

RIGHT NOSTRIL DOMINANCE* is associated with the left
brain activity and is conducive for active states like working,
eating, exercising, etc.

LEFT NOSTRIL DOMINANCE* is associated with the right
brain activity and is conducive for meditative states, relaxation,
sleep, and creativity.


As your brain activity changes throughout the day, so
does your dominant nostril. And simply sticking your
finger under your nose is the easiest way to get an instant
read on where your head is at.

When you're super hungry, for example, you'll almost
always be in your right nostril.

When you're about to fall asleep, almost always it'll
be your left (and if you're not, you should get there...
more on how to do that later).

Naturally, your body will switch every 90-120 minutes
(there's no rule on this). So our breath tells us which side
of our brain is most active; and the cool thing is that we
can turn around and use the breath, control the breath,
to influence our brain.

It really does work.

This is why people get so excited about pranayama,
or yoga breathing. It's a very powerful tool for "mind

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