Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fit Your Yoga Practice to Your Personality

Type of Yoga Personality
Ashtanga Type A, competitive with yourself, high energy, can't sit still, strict, rigid, likes order, likes knowing the right and wrong way to do things, needs to move in order to de-stress
Anusara Scientific, interested in body alignment and how your body moves internally, introspective, creative, likes to use props, in touch with your emotions

Type of Yoga Personality
Bikram Type A, extreme, over the top, needs discipline, loves heat, loves to sweat, craves order and strictness
Iyengar Strict, rigid, interested in body alignment, likes to be told the right and wrong way to do things, likes to use props
Kripalu Easy-going, slow-moving, meditative, spiritual, introspective
Kundalini Meditative, slow-moving, spiritual, likes to be physically and mentally challenged, likes to focus on breath and chant, interested in the chakras and awakening the energy (kundalini) that resides in the base of the spine
Jivamukti Spiritual, meditative, creative, likes to move, needs to de-stress, likes to be physically and mentally challenged, likes to chant
Vinyasa Creative, spontaneous, up for a challenge, likes to move quickly, likes to sweat

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