Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hakata TonTon -- A Japanese Collagen Eatery - Making the PR Rounds

While most might associate collagen with needles and pillowy lips, this soon to open Japanese eatery boasts collagen as the latest haute cuisine. Owner Himi Okajima will focus on a collagen-rich menu by utilizing tonsoku, a popular Japanese dish of pig’s feet favored by skin conscious women. Modeled after Himiyabi, his tonsoku restaurant in Japan, the menu will feature 40+ dishes including items such as spring rolls, pasta, and traditional Korean casseroles. It has become pretty clear that people will go to great lengths to boost their appearances, and adventurous eaters aside, we're willing to bet that there will be plenty of vain New Yorkers willing to give these little piggies a try.

Hakata TonTon
Mid-October launch
Undisclosed West Village location—so stay tuned!

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