Thursday, March 13, 2008

Superfoods to a Super You

Apples ... fight both blood clots and cancer and also help to lower cholesterol levels.

Avocados ... are high in fiber and potassium, making skin soft. They also help prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and certain cancers, especially colon cancer.

Bananas ... contain high levels of potassium, magnesium and folate, helping fight high blood pressure and reducing the risk of strokes. Folate is vital for tissue growth, and is important in combating heart disease and cancer.

Eggs ... are rich in choline, protein and arytenoids, which are thought to help retain memory and be able to prevent cataracts, as well as age-related macular degeneration.

Fennel ... is high in vitamin A, calcium, potassium and iron and helps alleviate digestive problems, while the iron and vitamin A in the plant help maintain healthy skin and nails and prevent fatigue and anemia.

Garlic ... is an excellent source of antioxidants and acts as an anti-coagulant in the blood, which reduces the risk of strokes.

Kidney beans ... are full of fiber, which helps maintain a healthy digestive system. This may help prevent colon cancer and diabetes, while also lowering blood cholesterol and blood sugar.

Red wine ... is made from purple grapes, which help destroy free radicals and in doing so help prevent cancer. They can also lower cholesterol levels in the body, and reduce the growth of skin melanomas.

Salmon ... Oily fish such as salmon contains omega-3 fats that reduce blood clotting. Salmon is a source of good quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Eating oily fish reduces the risk of heart attacks, helps prevent depression and protects against dementia.

Spinach ... is an excellent source of folic acid and vitamins A and C, fighting cancer, heart disease and mental disorders.

Walnuts ... are a true superfood, with just a handful of walnuts having as much omega-3 fatty acid as three ounces of salmon. Omega-3 fatty acid helps to dissolve blood clots and heart disease and may prevent arthritis and depression.


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