Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Guidelines for Reducing Your Heavy Metal Exposure
It may seem like a fight you’re destined to lose, however I firmly believe you can reduce your exposure to heavy metals quite dramatically, thereby giving your body a fighting chance to eliminate accumulated toxins and restore health.
These guidelines can help limit your exposure:
- Use glass, cast iron, carbon steel, titanium, and enamel cookware. Both aluminum and Teflon are well known for their toxic dangers, and stainless steel can expose you to carcinogenic nickel.
- Minimize consumption of restaurant food as restaurants are required to use stainless steel pots and vats.
- Avoid stainless steel thermoses; the glass lined kinds are best.
- Avoid cosmetics with aluminum bases, mineral powders that contain bismuth, and aluminum-laden antiperspirants, which have been shown to increase your Alzheimer’s risk by as much as 300 percent!
- Avoid vaccinations that inject mercury or aluminum directly into your bloodstream.
- Avoid and remove dental amalgam fillings.
- Avoid stainless steel orthodontics such as braces and palate wideners.
- Avoid costume jewelry if you are sensitive to metals.
- Avoid smoking and second hand smoke as it causes cadmium poisoning.
- Make sure you purchase your natural herbal remedies from a reputable source with strict quality testing. Some colloidal silvers can lead to silver poisoning, and some folk remedies can be high in mercury, lead and arsenic, either due to alleged medicinal properties or through unintentional contamination.
- Avoid conventional household cleaning products.
- Avoid conventional insecticides and herbicides. Also be VERY cautious when using the “natural alternative” Borax (boric acid), which can also cause serious health problems, including death.
Labels: cleanse, Mercola, mercury, toxic, toxic metals, toxins
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