Friday, October 24, 2008
Your Tongue -- What You DIdn't Know About it....

Which aperture of the body reflects the internal organs related to excretion and assimilation?
Anus, urinary tract, ears, nose, or mouth?
Answer: Mouth.
See the Picture at Right to find the corresponding body parts.
B- the peripheral area reflects the large intestine.
C- the middle region corresponds to the small intestine.
D- the back edge region relates to the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, and pancreas.
E- the near back region corresponds to the stomach.
F- the back region ('the root of the tongue') reflects the esophagus.
G- the underside of the tongue reflects the quality of blood and lymph circulation in each corresponding area.
Your tongue accurately reflects the state of your digestive system- from rectum to esophagus, including the stomach, small intestines, colon (large intestine), pancreas, spleen, liver and gall bladder.
Imagine, you don't need a battery of tests to find out what part of your digestive tract is in stress. You can diagnosis the whole GI tract and corresponding organ integrity all in one easy view- just stick your tongue out.
As a whole the tongue reflects the condition of the digestive system and the organs associated with blood, nutrient assimilation, and excretion. You can also see how 'hot' or how 'cold' your internal organs are. Therefore it has a high value as a diagnostic tool.
Specific sections of the tongue mirror the condition of particular parts of the digestive system and the digestion related internal organs.
Labels: ayurveda, Holistic Health, living holistically, tongue, tongue diagnosis, Traditional Chinese Medicine
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