Monday, November 24, 2008

Yoga to Help You Digest

1-Legged Seated Spinal Twist can help get things moving in your belly. It's also a great pose to do after sitting for a long period of time. Bend one knee and cross your opposite elbow over to the outside edge of your knee and look over your back shoulder. As you breathe, continue to deepen the twist. Stay here for five breaths or more, then do the other side.

If you're bloated, having gas pains, or are constipated, bend both knees into your chest and give yourself a big hug. This is affectionately called Wind-Relieving Pose, if you catch my drift. It'll help to massage your abdominal organs.

Another great stretch for digestion is Wide-Legged Forward Bend. This is great at helping relieve gas pains and that uncomfortable bloated feeling.

This is a pretty intense stretch when it comes to aiding digestion so ease into this one called Wide Squat. If you're bloated, this pose can bring relief, but you may want to do this in private.


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