Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The UltraMind Solution

In his revolutionary new book, The UltraMind Solution, Dr. Mark Hyman offers not just an explanation validated by hundreds of recent peer-reviewed medical studies, but a solution for this invisible epidemic that now affects 1.1 billion people worldwide and will cripple one in four among us during our lifetime.

So, what's causing our "broken brains"?

Essentially two things - our modern diet and environment - both of which are loaded with brain-toxic compounds, including:

What's the UltraMind Solution? Heal the Body, Heal the Brain

First, as the discussion of current research in Part I makes clear: the brain is not disconnected from the rest of the body. Dr. Hyman sums it up saying: "the barrier between the body and the brain is no iron curtain. It is more like cheesecloth."

What this means is that brain disorders are not only in the brain. Their root cause(s), and therefore their cure, is to be found in finding and treating imbalances in the rest of the body-in the body's seven key systems. Restoring balance to these core systems restores health, both in the body and the brain.

Dr. Hyman marshals these seven key systems as the Seven Keys to UltraWellness.

They are:


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