Thursday, June 18, 2009
Disturbing News About Antibiotics and Livestock

But is there truth in advertising?
Even producers who have eliminated antibiotics may be using other bacteria-killing compounds in the anti-microbial family, which have a murky definition under the law. Although not all anti-microbials are defined as antibiotics by the Food and Drug Administration, their use opens up a minefield of issues.
Among them:
-- Anti-microbials are not listed on labels.
-- They work the same way as antibiotics.
-- Many people consider them to be harmful to the environment.
"The only way to know if a producer is using anti-microbials is to call the manufacturer and ask them," said Urvashi Rangan, a scientist for the nonprofit Consumers Union.
"A manufacturer doesn't have to list it on the label even if they're making an antibiotic-free claim. And as far as we're concerned, if you're using a drug to kill a parasite or a micro-organism and you're making a 'no antibiotics' claim, you're being misleading."
While scientists debate the pros and cons of using any bacteria-killing drug in food animals, most agree that the only difference between antibiotics and anti-microbials is purely one of semantics.Full Article
Labels: antibiotics, eating healthy, hormones, meat, toxins
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