Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Detoxify Your Brain
Avoid Brain-Damaging Foods
The list of brain-damaging foods you need to avoid is short:
- Processed, refined carbohydrates and sugar
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Toxic fats—especially trans fats
- Food additives and preservatives
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Food allergens (the two most common are gluten and dairy)
If you want to enhance your detoxification and develop an UltraMind, you need more glutathione, a sulfur-like substance that transports toxins out of your body via your urine and stool. To naturally increase your glutathione, increase your intake of the following foods:
- Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, collards, kale, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, arugula, radish, wasabi, watercress, kohlrabi, mustard greens, rutabaga, turnips)—at least one to two cups, cooked, daily
- Curcuminoids (turmeric, curry)
- Garlic (a few cloves a day)
- Green tea, one to two cups a day (boosts liver detoxification)
- High-quality, sulfur-containing protein (eggs, garlic, onions)
In addition to what is in your multivitamin, you should take vitamin D3 because it is significantly deficient in so many people.
Reduce Your Heavy Metal Exposure
Heavy metals are some of the most toxic chemicals in our environment. The two biggest culprits are lead (from lead paint, leaded gas, and coal-burning factories) and mercury (from dental fillings, vaccinations, and industrial pollutants).
Avoid Environmental Petrochemicals
Limit your exposure by doing the following:
- Do not dry clean your clothes.
- Avoid the use of garden chemicals.
- Buy furniture that has been built without the use of formaldehyde or other preservative agents.
- Eliminate your exposure to secondhand smoke and car exhaust.
Labels: brain, cruciferous vegetables, detox, detoxify, Dr. Mark Hyman, formaldehyde, garlic, lead, living holistically, mercury, toxins
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